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A Formal Charge

Grand Jury Indictment

A Formal Charge

A grand jury indictment is a formal charging document that accuses an individual or entity of a crime. It is issued by a grand jury, a panel of citizens who review evidence and determine whether there is probable cause to believe the accused committed the alleged offense.

Key Points

  • Probable Cause: A grand jury indictment indicates that the state believes there is sufficient evidence to support the charges against the accused.
  • Non-Unanimous Verdict: Unlike a criminal trial, a grand jury indictment can be issued by a majority vote, not requiring a unanimous verdict.
  • Federal Use: Grand jury indictments are used by the US Department of Justice to bring federal charges.
  • Composition: Grand juries consist of 16 to 23 members, and at least 12 members must agree to issue an indictment.
  • Prosecutor's Role: The prosecutor presents evidence to the grand jury and seeks an indictment.
