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Night Before The Exams A Nostalgic Look At The Italian Coming Of Age Classic

Night Before the Exams: A Nostalgic Look at the Italian Coming-of-Age Classic


The phrase "Notte prima degli esami" holds a special place in the hearts of many Italians. It can evoke memories of youthful exuberance, exam-induced anxiety, and the bittersweet transition from adolescence to adulthood. Through its various interpretations—as a film, a song, and a cultural phenomenon—Notte prima degli esami has captured the essence of this universal experience.

The Film

A Time Capsule of 1980s Italy

Fausto Brizzi's 2006 film Notte prima degli esami is a nostalgic trip back to the 1980s. With Nicolas Vaporidis in the lead role, the film follows a group of teenagers on the eve of their final exams. Through their misadventures and romantic entanglements, the film encapsulates the carefree and bittersweet nature of that time in life.

The Song

An Anthem for Generations

Antonello Venditti's iconic 1984 song "Notte prima degli esami" became the unofficial anthem of the Italian maturità, or high school graduation exams. Its lyrics capture the hopes, fears, and excitement of young people on the cusp of a new chapter in their lives.

Cultural Impact

Notte prima degli esami has transcended its original context to become a cultural touchstone. It has inspired countless spin-offs, remakes, and cultural references in Italy and beyond. Its enduring popularity is a testament to its universal appeal and its ability to evoke the bittersweet memories of youth.


Whether it's the film, the song, or the cultural phenomenon, Notte prima degli esami has become a timeless exploration of the complexities of growing up. It invites us to look back on our own past experiences with a mixture of nostalgia and fondness.
